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О 11.30 тест закривається.
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О 11.30 тест закривається.
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Увага! О 10.10 заходимо в MEL і приступаємо до виконання тесту.
О 10.40 тест закривається.
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Успішного проходження!
Тема: Focus Review 8
Н/t:Review U.8.
Н/t:MEL 8.8
Тема: Reflexive pronouns
Н/t:MEL 8.6
Тема: Paying it forward
Н/t: MEL 8.4
Тема:Молоді злочинці.
Н/t:MEL 8.3
Тема: А що ти знаєш про Алькатраз?
Н/t:MEL 8.2
Тема: Modern Society
Н/t:MEL 8.1
Увага! О 10.10 заходимо в MEL і приступаємо до виконання тесту.
О 10.40 тест закривається.
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Тема: Інтерв'ю з зіркою.
Н/t:MEL 7.5
Тема: Сучасні підлітки не читають класичну літературу.
Н/t:MEL 7.4
Тема: Вірусні відео: в чому секрет популярності?
Тема: Геніальна маленька художниця.
Н/t:MEL 7.2+https://quizlet.com/_1810j6?x=1jqt&i=2wq3d6
Тема: Розваги та дозвілля.
Н/t:MEL 7.1
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О 10.30 тест закривається.
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Тема: к/р.
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Пароль: 56777
Тема:Чому важливо проводити час на свіжому повітрі?
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Пароль: 56777
Тема:Як завжди бути у гарній фізичній формі?
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Пароль: 56777
Тема: Decision Time
Н/t:MEL 6.516.02.23
Тема: Life in Medicine
Н/t:MEL 6.3
Тема: Здоров'я
Н/t:MEL 6.1
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О 11.30 тест закривається.
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Успішного проходження!
Тема: Відпрацювання екзаменаційних стратегій:читання
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Тема:Eco School
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H/t:MEL 5.8
Тема: Збережімо рідкісних тварин!
An endangered species is a type of organism that is threatened by extinction. Species become endangered for two main reasons: loss of habitat and loss of genetic variation.
Loss of Habitat
A loss of habitat can happen naturally. Dinosaurs, for instance, lost their habitat about 65 million years ago. The hot, dry climate of the Cretaceous period changed very quickly, most likely because of an asteroid striking the Earth. The impact of the asteroid forced debris into the atmosphere, reducing the amount of heat and light that reached Earth’s surface. The dinosaurs were unable to adapt to this new, cooler habitat. Dinosaurs became endangered, then extinct.
Human activity can also contribute to a loss of habitat. Development for housing, industry, and agriculture reduces the habitat of native organisms. This can happen in a number of different ways.
Development can eliminate habitat and native species directly. In the Amazon rain forest of South America, developers have cleared hundreds of thousands of acres. To “clear” a piece of land is to remove all trees and vegetation from it. The Amazon rain forest is cleared for cattle ranches, logging, and urban use.
Development can also endanger species indirectly. Some species, such as fig trees of the rain forest, may provide habitat for other species. As trees are destroyed, species that depend on that tree habitat may also become endangered. Tree crowns provide habitat in the canopy, or top layer, of a rainforest. Plants such as vines, fungi such as mushrooms, and insects such as butterflies live in the rain forest canopy. So do hundreds of species of tropical birds and mammals such as monkeys. As trees are cut down, this habitat is lost. Species have less room to live and reproduce.
Loss of habitat may happen as development takes place in a species range. Many animals have a range of hundreds of square kilometers. The mountain lion of North America, for instance, has a range of up to 1,000 square kilometers (386 square miles). To successfully live and reproduce, a single mountain lion patrols this much territory. Urban areas, such as Los Angeles, California, and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, grew rapidly during the 20th century. As these areas expanded into the wilderness, the mountain lion’s habitat became smaller. That means the habitat can support fewer mountain lions. Because enormous parts of the Sierra Nevada, Rocky, and Cascade mountain ranges remain undeveloped, however, mountain lions are not endangered.
Loss of habitat can also lead to increased encounters between wild species and people. As development brings people deeper into a species range, they may have more exposure to wild species. Poisonous plants and fungi may grow closer to homes and schools. Wild animals are also spotted more frequently. These animals are simply patrolling their range, but interaction with people can be deadly. Polar bears, mountain lions, and alligators are all predators brought into close contact with people as they lose their habitat to homes, farms, and businesses. As people kill these wild animals, through pesticides, accidents such as collisions with cars, or hunting, native species may become endangered.
Тема: Чи потрібно нести цивілізацію в Амазонські джунглі?
H/t:MEL 5.6
Тема:How to survive a bear attack.
H/t:MEL 5.4
Тема: UK today
H/t:MEL 5.3
Тема: Articles
H/t:MEL 5.2
Тема: Загадки океанів.
Н/t:MEL 5.1
Тема: A Boy Called Christmas
Тема:Фестиваль томатів.
H/t:повторити вивчений матеріал.
Увага! О 12.45 заходимо в MEL і приступаємо до виконання тесту.
О 13.15 тест закривається.
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Увага! О 11.00 заходимо в MEL і приступаємо до виконання тесту.
О 11.30 тест закривається.
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Тема:A formal email
H/t:MEL 4.7
Тема:The real junk food project
H/t:MEL 4.4
Тема:Аналіз к/р.
Тема: Extreme journeys to school
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H/t:learn new words by heart.
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H/t:revise U2.
Тема: Test
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О 12.45 тест закривається.
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Тема:The Brujas
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Пароль: 56777
H/t:пройти олімпіаду.
Тема:What do you think about?
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AB:H/t:MEL 2.819.10.22
Тема:A story
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H/t:MEL 2.7
Тема:A high school hero
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H/t:MEL 2.4
Тема:It`s just a game.
H/t:MEL 2.1
Тема: Test
Увага! О 11.25 заходимо в MEL і приступаємо до виконання тесту.
О 12.05 тест закривається.
Шановні учні,на виконання тесту у Вас є рівно 40 хвилин.Пам'ятайте!
Успішного проходження!
Тема:Focus Review 1
H/t:Revise Unit 1.
Тема:Describing a photo.
WB:H/t:MEL 1.8
Тема:A personal email.
H/t:MEL 1.7
Тема:Hairstyles for school.
H/t:MEL 1.6
Тема:Present Perfect Continuous
1.Watch the video.
2.Study the table.
H/t:MEL 1.5
Тема:Іcons of fashion.
H/t:MEL 1.4
Тема: A true friend.
H/t:MEL 1.3
Тема: Dynamic/state verbs(пара).
Тема: Dynamic/state verbs(пара).
H/t:MEL 1.2
Тема:Знову разом.Повторення.
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Пароль: 56777
End of Year Test/Speaking
Запрошення на конференцію для 10-В класу
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Пароль: 56777
Тема:End of Year Test/Use of English
Увага! О 11.00 заходимо в MEL і приступаємо до виконання тесту.
О 11.40 тест закривається.
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Успішного проходження!
Тема:End of Year Test/Reading.
Увага! О 11.40 заходимо в MEL і приступаємо до виконання тесту.
О 12.20 тест закривається.
Шановні учні,на виконання тесту у Вас є рівно 40 хвилин та одна спроба. Пам'ятайте!
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Тема:End of Year Test/Listening
Увага! О 11.00 заходимо в MEL і приступаємо до виконання тесту.
О 11.40 тест закривається.
Шановні учні,на виконання тесту у Вас є рівно 40 хвилин.Пам'ятайте!
Успішного проходження!
Тема:Past Perfect
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Пароль: 56777
H/t:MEL 8.2
Тема:Мобільні додатки для міцного здоров'я!
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Пароль: 56777
H/t: MEL 8.1
Тема:Перевіримо свої знання.Тест.
Увага! О 11.40 заходимо в MEL і приступаємо до виконання тесту. О 12.20 тест закривається.
Шановні учні,на виконання тесту у Вас є рівно 40 хвилин.Пам'ятайте! Успішного проходження!
Тема:Пригадаймо вивчене!
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Тема:Товари в магазинах.
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H/t:MEL 7.7
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1.Watch the video.
2.Study the table.
What are Quantifiers?
A quantifier is a word that usually goes before a noun to express the quantity of the object; for example, a little milk. Most quantifiers are followed by a noun, though it is also possible to use them without the noun when it is clear what we are referring to. For example,
Do you want some milk? – Just a little. (It’s clear that I mean ‘a little milk’.)
There are quantifiers to describe large quantities (a lot, much, many), small quantities (a little, a bit, a few) and undefined quantities (some, any). There are also quantifiers that express the idea of a sufficient amount (enough, plenty).
There are some quantifiers that have a similar meaning but differ because one is used with countable nouns and the other is used with uncountable nouns. Countable nouns are things that we can count; for example, a table, two chairs. Uncountable nouns are things that we cannot count and only have a singular form; for example, some furniture, some fruit.
Let’s start by looking at quantifiers that express large quantities.
Much, Many, A lot (of)
We use many, much, a lot (of) to refer to big quantities. We use ‘many’ with countable nouns and ‘much’ with uncountable nouns, and we can use ‘a lot (of)’ with both countable and uncountable nouns. In modern English it is very common to use ‘a lot (of)’ in affirmative sentences instead of ‘many’ and ‘much’.
Here are some examples:
- There are many things to do today.
- We have a lot of time left, don’t worry.
- Many people take the train to work.
- Much Italian wine is sold abroad.
- She plays a lot of sport.
- When we want to emphasize a really big quantity we can add ‘so’ in front of ‘many’ and ‘much’. For example:
- There were so many passengers on the train, it was difficult to get off.
- She had so much work to do, she stayed at the office until midnight.
A Few, A Little, A Bit (of)
To talk about small quantities we can use ‘a few’ and ‘a little’. We use ‘a few’ with countable nouns and ‘a little’ with uncountable nouns. It’s also possible to use ‘a bit’ with uncountable nouns, but it is more informal.
Here are some examples:
- We need a few coins for the car park.
- Would you like a little milk in your coffee?
- They ate a few biscuits with their tea.
- The engine needs a little oil.
When we want to refer to a small quantity with a negative sense, we use ‘few’ and ‘little’ without ‘a’. For example:
- Few trains arrive on time. (A small number of trains arrive on train which is a bad thing.)
- Little attention is given to the problem of parking. (A small amount of attention is given to this problem and it’s not good.)
Some, Any
When we want to refer to a plural noun or an uncountable noun, without giving a specific quantity, we use ‘some’ and ‘any’. We use ‘some’ in affirmatives and ‘any’ in questions and negatives.
Here are some more examples:
- We have some free time later this afternoon.
- She doesn’t want any coffee.
- Do they need any bread?
- I went to some meetings in Rome last week.
- Will there be any managers at the party?
As is common in English, there is an exception to this rule. When we make requests and offers, we usually use ‘some’ instead of ‘any’. For example:
- Can I have some water please?
- Would you like some chocolates?
Enough, Plenty (of)
The words ‘enough’ and ‘plenty’ express the idea of being a sufficient quantity. Both words can go with countable and uncountable nouns. We use ‘plenty (of)’ to mean there is more than a sufficient quantity of something. For example:
- I need more plates. – No, we don’t. There are plenty!
- Slow down. We’ve got plenty of time to get to the station.
- We use ‘enough’ to express the idea of having, or not having, a sufficient quantity. For example:
- I think we have enough vegetables so I won’t buy any more.
- But we don’t have enough fruit. Let’s get some more.
Questions about Quantity
When we want to ask the quantity of something, we use ‘how much’ or ‘how many’.
Here are some other examples:
- How many times have you visited Rome?
- How many people were at the meeting?
- How many chairs do we need?
- How much time have you got?
- How much bread does he eat?
- How much petrol shall I buy?
Тема:Джеф Безос – засновник Amazon.com.
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Тема:Buying presents
1.Have you ever given or received a present like the ones in the photos?
2.What is the best or worst present you've ever received?
3.Do ex.2-9p.91(SB).
H/t:MEL 7.3
Тема:The Passive
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H/t:MEL 7.2
Темa:Fairtrade – чесна ціна!
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Темa:Який одяг ви купуєте?
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Темa:Моя ідеальна робота! (пара)
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Темa:Пригадаймо вивчене!/"Найгірша професія"
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Тема:Перевіримо свої знання.Тест.
Увага! О 11.30 заходимо в MEL і приступаємо до виконання тесту. О 12.10 тест закривається.
Шановні учні,на виконання тесту у Вас є рівно 40 хвилин.Пам'ятайте! Успішного проходження!
Темa:Узагальнення вивченого матеріалу.
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Темa:Пригадаймо вивчене!(пара)
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Тема:Paddington English School
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Тема:Види мистецтва.
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Тема:Який твій улюблений фільм?
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Тема: Цей фільм занадто довгий.Too and not enough.
1.Watch the video.
2.Study the Language box.Form
too + adjective/adverb
too much/many + noun
too much/many + of + pronoun/determiner
adjective/adverb + enough
enough + noun
enough + of + pronoun/determiner
- Too is used to mean more than sufficient or more/less than necessary.
- It’s too late to stop him.
- Jerry was too young to watch the movie.
- There are too many people on this train, there’s nowhere to sit.
- You have too much money, give some to me.
- You’ve eaten too many of those cakes.
- Enough is used to mean sufficient
- Your clothes are big enough to fit me.
- You’ve done enough work. You can stop now.
- Have you got enough money to buy me a drink?
- Enough is used in negative sentences to mean less than sufficient or less than necessary.
- You’re not working fast enough, you won’t finish on time.
- Sorry, I haven’t got enough food for everyone.
- Not enough of my friends are coming to the party.
Additional points
- Enough can be used without a noun if the meaning is clear.
- There’s a lot of food but not enough for everyone.
- Enough can be replaced with the before a noun.
- I don’t have the money to go on holiday.
- His company doesn’t have the resources to do the job.
3. p.39 ex.1-match conversation 1-4 with photos A-D.
4. p.39 ex.2-choose the correct option.
5. p.39 ex.3-complete the word in the correct place.
6.p.39 ex.4-complete the sentences with too and not enough.
7.p.39 ex.5-6-complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
Тема: Talking about future plans.
1.Watch the video.
2. p.112 ex.1-How do you feel about coming to the end of the school year?Why?
3. p.112 ex.3- answer the questions.
4.p.112 ex.4-study the Speaking box.Find more examles in the dialogue.
H/t:p.112 ex.5-choose the correct option.
Тема: Незвичні форми живопису.
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Тема: Давай-но спробуємо створити витвір мистецтва.
1.Look at the photos.Which one do you prefer?Why?
2.p.97ex.2-read the article.
3.p.97ex.4-choose the correct answers.
4.p.97ex.5,6-check your understanding.Use a dictionary if necessary.
Тема: Чи ти вважаєш комікси літературним жанром?
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Meeting ID:8065465590
Пароль: 56777
Тема: Яким літературним жанрам ти надаєш перевагу?
The 12 Main Literary Genres
- Literary Fiction. Literary fiction novels are considered works with artistic value and literary merit. They often include political criticism, social commentary, and reflections on humanity. Literary fiction novels are typically character-driven, as opposed to being plot-driven, and follow a character’s inner story.
- Mystery. Mystery novels, also called detective fiction, follow a detective solving a case from start to finish. They drop clues and slowly reveal information, turning the reader into a detective trying to solve the case, too.
- Thriller. Thriller novels are dark, mysterious, and suspenseful plot-driven stories. They very seldom include comedic elements, but what they lack in humor, they make up for in suspense.
- Horror. Horror novels are meant to scare, startle, shock, and even repulse readers. Generally focusing on themes of death, demons, evil spirits, and the afterlife, they prey on fears with scary beings like ghosts, vampires, werewolves, witches, and monsters.
- Historical. Historical fiction novels take place in the past. Written with a careful balance of research and creativity, they transport readers to another time and place—which can be real, imagined, or a combination of both. Many historical novels tell stories that involve actual historical figures or historical events within historical settings.
- Romance. Romantic fiction centers around love stories between two people. They’re lighthearted, optimistic, and have an emotionally satisfying ending. Romance novels do contain conflict, but it doesn’t overshadow the romantic relationship, which always prevails in the end.
- Western tells the stories of cowboys, settlers, and outlaws exploring the western frontier and taming the American Old West. They’re shaped specifically by their genre-specific elements and rely on them in ways that novels in other fiction genres don’t. Westerns aren’t as popular as they once were; the golden age of the genre coincided with the popularity of western films in the 1940s, ‘50s, and ‘60s.
- Bildungsroman. Bildungsroman is a literary genre of stories about a character growing psychologically and morally from their youth into adulthood. Generally, they experience a profound emotional loss, set out on a journey, encounter conflict, and grow into a mature person by the end of the story.
- Speculative Fiction. Speculative fiction is a supergenre that encompasses a number of different types of fiction, from science fiction to fantasy to dystopian. The stories take place in a world different from our own.
- Science Fiction. Sci-fi novels are speculative stories with imagined elements that don’t exist in the real world. Some are inspired by “hard” natural sciences like physics, chemistry, and astronomy; others are inspired by “soft” social sciences like psychology, anthropology, and sociology. Common elements of sci-fi novels include time travel, space exploration, and futuristic societies.
- Fantasy. Fantasy novels are speculative fiction stories with imaginary characters set in imaginary universes. They’re inspired by mythology and folklore and often include elements of magic. The genre attracts both children and adults; well-known titles include Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll and the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.
- Realist Literature. Realist fiction novels are set in a time and place that could actually happen in the real world. They depict real people, places, and stories in order to be as truthful as possible. Realist works of fiction remain true to everyday life and abide by the laws of nature as we currently understand them.
2.Do you think you learn enough about literature at school?
3.p.95 ex.6(SB)-choose the correct option.
4.p.95 ex.9(SB)-look at the book titles.What type of book do you think each one is?
H/t:p.95 ex.11(SB)-complete the blog entry with the correct form of verbs.
Тема: Чи обізнаний ти в літературі та мистецтві?
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Пароль: 56777
Тема: Контрольна робота
Завдання розміщено в Google Classroom.
Тема: Підсумковий урок.
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Пароль: 56777
Тема: Self-check
1.p.87ex.1(WB)-choose the correct option.
2.p.87ex.2(WB)-complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below.
3.p.87ex.3(WB)-match 1-6 with a-f to make phrases.
4.p.87ex.4(WB)-rewrite the sentences in the Passive.
5.p.87ex.5(WB)-complete the text.
Speaking language practice
6.p.87ex.6(WB)- complete the dialogues with one word in each gap.
Тема: Святкування Великодня в Україні та Великобританії.
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Пароль: 56777
Тема: Revision
1.p.91 ex.1- write the correct word for each definition.
2.p.91 ex.2 -complete the quiz.
3.p.91 ex.4- complete the text with the correct Passive.
4.p.91 ex.5- write sentences.Use the Passive with will.
5.p.91 ex.6- complete the dialogue with the words below.
Тема:Зміни та розвиток англійської мови.
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H/t: пройти тест join.naurok.ua
Код доступу 2594498
Завдання необхідно виконати до 8 квітня 22:00
Тема:ВВС Чому змінюється мова?
1.Watch the video.
2.Does your language have different varieties or dialects?
3.Do you use English words in your language?Which ones?
4.Read the text and answer the questions-p.93 ex.2(SB)
5.Read the article again and answer the questions-p.93 ex.3(SB).
H/t:retell the text.
Тема: Indicating objects and clarifying.
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Пароль: 56777
1.Ex.2 p.87-study the Vocabulary box.Complete the sentences.
2.Ex.3 p.87-match the commercials.
3.Ex.1 p.83(WB)-choose the correct option.
4.Ex.2 p.83(WB)-complete the crossword.
H/t:Create your own ad. like this one:
Тема: Сучасні методи вивчення іноземних мов.
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Пароль: 56777
Тема:Вплив реклами на наші вподобання та вчинки.
1.Watch the video.
3.Ex.1p.81-read the text.
4.Ex.2,3p.81-mark the sentences true or false.
H/t: Завдання необхідно виконати до 30 березня 20:00
Тема: Чи переконує тебе реклама.
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Пароль: 56777
Тема:The passive
Use of Passive
Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.
Example: My bike was stolen.
In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who did it.
Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice, as the following example shows:
Example: A mistake was made.
In this case, I focus on the fact that a mistake was made, but I do not blame anyone (e.g. You have made a mistake.).
Form of Passive
Subject + finite form of to be + Past Participle (3rd column of irregular verbs)
Example: A letter was written.
When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:
- the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
- the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
- the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped)
Examples of Passive
Tense | Subject | Verb | Object | |
Simple Present | Active: | Rita | writes | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | is written | by Rita. | |
Simple Past | Active: | Rita | wrote | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | was written | by Rita. | |
Present Perfect | Active: | Rita | has written | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | has been written | by Rita. | |
Future I | Active: | Rita | will write | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | will be written | by Rita. | |
Hilfsverben | Active: | Rita | can write | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | can be written | by Rita. |
Examples of Passive
Tense | Subject | Verb | Object | |
Present Progressive | Active: | Rita | is writing | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | is being written | by Rita. | |
Past Progressive | Active: | Rita | was writing | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | was being written | by Rita. | |
Past Perfect | Active: | Rita | had written | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | had been written | by Rita. | |
Future II | Active: | Rita | will have written | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | will have been written | by Rita. | |
Conditional I | Active: | Rita | would write | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | would be written | by Rita. | |
Conditional II | Active: | Rita | would have written | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | would have been written | by Rita. |
Passive Sentences with Two Objects
Rewriting an active sentence with two objects in passive voice means that one of the two objects becomes the subject, the other one remains an object. Which object to transform into a subject depends on what you want to put the focus on.
Subject | Verb | Object 1 | Object 2 | |
Active: | Rita | wrote | a letter | to me. |
Passive: | A letter | was written | to me | by Rita. |
Passive: | I | was written | a letter | by Rita. |
H/t:Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.
- John collects money. -
- Anna opened the window. -
- We have done our homework. -
- I will ask a question. -
- He can cut out the picture. -
- The sheep ate a lot. -
- We do not clean our rooms. -
- William will not repair the car. -
- Did Sue draw this circle? -
- Could you feed the dog?
Тема: Чи спілкуєшся ти однаково із різними людьми?
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Пароль: 56777
Тема: Невербальні засоби спілкування.
1.Watch the videos.
2.How many forms of non-verbal communication do you know?
3.Do you think you're good at reading people's facial expressions?
4.Ex.1p.78(WB)-choose the correct option.
5.Ex.2p.78(WB)-complete the puzzle.
6.Ex.3-5p.78(WB)-complete the sentences.
H/t:ex.6p.79-choose the correct answers.
Тема: Сучасні засоби комунікації.
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Пароль: 56777
Тема: Cпілкування з друзями.
1.How do you prefer to communicate with your friends?
-by email;
-by phone;
-by text;
-using instant messaging.
2.How many other forms of communication can you think of in three minutes?
3.Ex.3p.82-complete the headings in the poster.
4.Do ex.4-6p.82-83.
5.Do ex.7-10p.83.
H/t:learn the words from ex.3,5p.82.
Тема: Як ти зазвичай спілкуєшся з друзями?
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Пароль: 56777
Тема: Підсумковий урок.
Тема: Підсумковий урок.Тест.
Тема:Чи старішає наш мозок?
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2.Ex.1p.76(WB)- match 1-6 with a-f to make phrases from the text.
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Пароль: 56777
Zoom.Meeting ID: 8065465590
Пароль: 56777
Both either, and neither in English
and how to use them
In their most common uses, both, either and neither are binary connectors or determiners; in other words they are used to associate or to link, either in the affirmative or in the negative, two entities (people, objects, abstractions).
But in the end, their usage is actually fairly straightforward: so before looking at the different uses of these words, let's correct some of the mistakes that students often make.
1. Incorrect use of both, either and neither
The mistakes you should not make....
NEVER put an article or other determiner directly BEFORE both, either or neither
- WRONG. The both candidates made some good points
RIGHT : Both the candidates made some good points - WRONG. I want the both of you to help me with this.
RIGHT : I want both of you to help me with this. - WRONG. My both parents are going out tonight .
RIGHT : Both my parents are going out tonight - WRONG. I don't like the either of these shirts
RIGHT : I don't like either of these shirts. - WRONG. The neither secretaries knew where the boss had gone.
RIGHT : Neither of the secretaries knew where the boss had gone.
ALWAYS put an article or other determiner directly AFTER both of, either of and neither of if they are followed by a noun
YOU MAY put an article or other determiner directly after both, either, or neither (without of) if they are followed by a noun
In the example 6, both alternatives are correct.
- WRONG. Both of candidates made some good points
RIGHT : Both of the candidates made some good points
and RIGHT : Both candidates made some good points - WRONG. I want both of technicians to help me with this.
RIGHT : I want both of the technicians to help me with this.
and RIGHT : I want both technicians to help me with this. - WRONG. Both of brothers live in London .
RIGHT : Both of my brothers live in London.
and RIGHT : Both my brothers live in London. - WRONG. I don't like either of shirts
RIGHT : I don't like either of these shirts.
and RIGHT : I don't like either shirt. - WRONG. Neither of secretaries knew where the boss had gone.
RIGHT : Neither of the secretaries knew where the boss had gone.
and RIGHT : Neither secretary knew where the boss had gone. RIGHT ; Both students got top marks.
RIGHT : Both the students got top marks.
2. Correct use of both, either and neither
Page Index : | Both | Either and Neither |
The word both is used to associate two entities in an affirmative context. As a quantifier, it has the meaning of "two".There are six essential structures :
- Examples 1 to 3 Both can be used as a primary determiner directly before a noun, but not before a pronoun.
- Examples 4 to 11 Both or both of can be used as a secondary determiner before another determiner notably before an article or a possessive, or (in the case of both of) before a pronoun.
- Examples 12 to 16. Both can be used as a secondary determiner placed after a noun or a pronoun. In the case of nouns, this structure is only used with the subject of a sentence; in the case of pronouns, it is used with subject pronouns and object pronouns.
- Examples 17 to 20 Both can be used as a pronoun.
- Both... and are used as correlating coordinators. See below.
- I support both teams, but I prefer Manchester United.
- Both answers are right.
- Both machines are in good working order
_____ - I support both the teams, but I prefer Manchester United
- I support both of the teams, but I prefer Manchester United
- Both my parents are still working.
- Both of my parents are still working.
- Both these machines are in good working order.
- Both of these machines are in good working order.
- Both of us very much like playing football. (But not: Both us.....)
- I like these two blouses, and I want to buy both of them !
______ - The teams both played very well
- They both played very well, but we both played very badly.
- Which one do you like ? I like them both.
- We want to wish you both good luck
- He told us both to go home at once.
______ - My son and daughter are in high school now, and both are doing very well.
- Which do you like? I like both.
- You can have one of the other, but you can't have both.
- I like these cakes; both are very tasty. (Remember that we do not say the both)
Note: Both of + pronoun.
(Examples 10 and 11 above)When Both of is followed by a pronoun, the pronoun is ALWAYS in the object form.
We have to say: Both of us or Both of them
Even if this is part of the subject of a sencence.
Both ... and as correlating coordinators
We use both (+noun or pronoun) followed by and (+noun or pronoun) to add extra emphasis to the relation between a pair of entities in an affirmative context.- Both Peter and Jim were at Oxford University in the 1990s.
- Both you and your father have been very helpful.
- I want to see both the Picasso exhibition and the Historical Museum.
Either and neither
Used alone (i.e. when not followed by or or by nor) either and neither are used in the same way as both, with the following differences :- Either and neither are never directly followed by an article or a determiner or a pronoun (see footnote)
- Either is a singular determiner or pronoun
- Either is sometimes used as an adverb standing at the end of a clause (example 16 below).
- Neither is normally used as a singular, but sometimes as a plural (example 6 below).
For neither...nor and either...or, see Correlating conjunctions
For whether... (or not), see Conditional clauses
- I support either team, but I prefer Manchester United.
- I support neither of the teams, but I prefer Manchester United.
- I support neither team, but I prefer Manchester United.
- I don't support either of the teams, but I prefer Manchester United.
but not.....
I support either of teams nor I support neither of teams - Either answer can be justified
- Neither of my parents is still working / are still working.
- Either of these machines will do the job.
- I don't want either of these machines.
- I want neither of these machines.
- Either of us will be happy to help you.
- Neither of them could come to the meeting
but not.....
Neither of them couldn't come .... (That would be a double negative) - They didn't tell either of us what they were doing.
but not.....
They didn't tell neither of us .... (That would be a double negative) - My son and daughter are in high school now, but neither are doing very well.
- Which do you like? I don't like either
- Which do you like? I don't like either of them.
- He doesn't drink coffee, but he doesn't drink tea either.
1.Доповніть речення словами both/neither/either. Іноді треба вживати of.
Examples: There are two windows in my room. It was very warm so I had both
of them open.
'Do you want tea or coffee?' 'Either. I really don't mind.'
1. After the accident … cars stopped … drivers got out and started shouting at
each other. … them were very aggressive.
2. It wasn't a very good football match. … team played well.
3. A: Which of the two films did you prefer? The first one or the second one?
B: Actually I didn't like … them.
4. There are two ways to the city centre. You can go along the footpath by the
river or you can go along the main road. You can go … way.
5. …these pullovers are very nice. I don't know which one to buy.
2. Напишіть речення зі словами both/neither/either. Іноді треба вживати of.
1. … my parents is English. My father is Polish and my mother is Italian.
2. Do you mind which sandwich I take?' 'No, take ….'
3. Is today the 18th or the 19th?" …. It's the 20th.'
4. Tom and I hadn't eaten foe a long time, so … us were very hungry.
5. When the boat started to sink, we were really frightened because …
us could swim.
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Графік: понеділок 08:45-09:15
2.Read the text.
The moon moves in an orbit around Earth, and at the same time, Earth orbits the sun. Sometimes Earth moves between the sun and the moon. When this happens, Earth blocks the sunlight that normally is reflected by the moon. (This sunlight is what causes the moon to shine.) Instead of light hitting the moon’s surface, Earth’s shadow falls on it. This is an eclipse of the moon — a lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse can occur only when the moon is full.
A lunar eclipse can be seen from Earth at night. There are two types of lunar eclipses: total lunar eclipses and partial lunar eclipses.
A total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon and the sun are on exact opposite sides of Earth. Although the moon is in Earth’s shadow, some sunlight reaches the moon. The sunlight passes through Earth’s atmosphere, which causes Earth’s atmosphere to filter out most of the blue light. This makes the moon appear red to people on Earth.
A partial lunar eclipse happens when only a part of the moon enters Earth’s shadow. In a partial eclipse, Earth’s shadow appears very dark on the side of the moon facing Earth. What people see from Earth during a partial lunar eclipse depends on how the sun, Earth and moon are lined up.
A lunar eclipse usually lasts for a few hours. At least two partial lunar eclipses happen every year, but total lunar eclipses are rare. It is safe to look at a lunar eclipse.
Sometimes when the moon orbits Earth, it moves between the sun and Earth. When this happens, the moon blocks the light of the sun from reaching Earth. This causes an eclipse of the sun, or solar eclipse. During a solar eclipse, the moon casts a shadow onto Earth.
There are three types of solar eclipses.
The first is a total solar eclipse. A total solar eclipse is only visible from a small area on Earth. The people who see the total eclipse are in the center of the moon’s shadow when it hits Earth. The sky becomes very dark, as if it were night. For a total eclipse to take place, the sun, moon and Earth must be in a direct line.
[10]The second type of solar eclipse is a partial solar eclipse. This happens when the sun, moon and Earth are not exactly lined up. The sun appears to have a dark shadow on only a small part of its surface.
The third type is an annular solar eclipse. An annular eclipse happens when the moon is farthest from Earth. Because the moon is farther away from Earth, it seems smaller. It does not block the entire view of the sun. The moon in front of the sun looks like a dark disk on top of a larger sun-colored disk. This creates what looks like a ring around the moon.
During a solar eclipse, the moon casts two shadows on Earth. The first shadow is called the umbra. This shadow gets smaller as it reaches Earth. It is the dark center of the moon’s shadow. The second shadow is called the penumbra . The penumbra gets larger as it reaches Earth. People standing in the penumbra will see a partial eclipse. People standing in the umbra will see a total eclipse.
On Monday, Aug. 21, 2017, all of North America will be treated to an eclipse of the sun. Anyone within the path of totality3 can see one of nature’s most awe-inspiring sights — a total solar eclipse. This path, where the moon will completely cover the sun so the sun’s corona can be seen, will stretch from Salem, Oregon, to Charleston, South Carolina. Observers outside this path will still see a partial solar eclipse where the moon covers part of the sun’s disk.
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Графік: понеділок /середа,08:45-09:25
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Meeting ID: 786 8726 8003
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Графік: понеділок /середа,08:45-09:25
Тема: Успіх та поразки.
1.Do you think summer jobs are a good idea ?Why?
2.Ex.2p.49-read the ads quickly.What jobs are advertised?
3.Do Ex.3,4p.49
H/t:Do Ex.1,3p.45(WB)
Тема: Мої плани на майбутнє.
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Meeting ID: 78687268003
Пароль: 56777
Графік: понеділок/середа , 08:45-09:25.
Тема: Тимчасова робота на літніх канікулах.
1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of an open cinema?
Тема: Професії для сучасних молодих людей.
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Meeting ID: 78687268003
Пароль: 56777
Графік: понеділок/середа 30.11.2020, 08:45-09:25.
Тема:Які фактори впливають на вибір професії?
1.What are the most important factors in a job?
3.Ex.6,7p.46- complete the sentences.
4.Study the Vocabulary box.Ex.8p.46
Тема:Модний одяг.Підсумковий урок.
Тема:Проєкт:Відомі дизайнери.Revision.
Watch the video.
For example:
The history of Michael Kors
It’s an unpretentious beginning for a moniker now so famous across the world. Today, Michael Kors is a globally renowned brand, bringing high-end American style to more than 100 countries and making its founder wealthy in the process.
With partnerships in the jet-set world of Formula One and ringing celebrity endorsements, plus a reel of awards and a tremendous record in philanthropy, it all begs the question: where did it go so right?
Donna Karan
Christian Dior
Manolo Blahnik
Christian Louboutin
Coco Chanel
H/t: Make a project .
20 .11.20
Тема:Giving compliment.
Present Perfect Continuous. Stage Success!